Some biological substances on the body development of Ganoderma lucidum.

Result of Ganoderma lucidum:

  • For Kali humate: supplementing with 60mg Acid humic/kg substrate has the best effect; For Acid fulvic: the best effect when supplementing with 75mg/kg substrate; For the addition of worm hydrolyzate: best effective at 0,3% concentration; For the addition of oligochitosan: best effect when adding 0,1%.
  • The average fresh and dried yield of Ganoderma lucidum cultured on a substrate supplemented with 0,1% Oligochitosan was 62,39g/bag and 29,30g/bag; on substrate supplemented with 60mg Acid humic/kg is 60,96g/bag and 26,58g/bag; on a substrate supplemented with 0,3% acid amino is 50,96g/bag and 24,87g/bag; on substrate supplemented with 75mg Acid fulvic/kg is 57,81g/bag and 24,62g/bag.
  • The addition of 4 biological substances at the rate of 75% of the mixture achieved the best results. Fresh yield is 55,23g/bag, dry yield is 23,77g/bag.

Ganoderma lucidumFig 1: Effects of some biological substances on body growth of
Ganoderma lucidum under artificial growing conditions.

  • For Kali humate: supplementing with 60mg Acid humic/kg substrate has the best effect; For Acid fulvic: the best effect when supplementing with 75mg/kg substrate; For the addition of worm hydrolyzate: best effective at 0,3% concentration; For the addition of oligochitosan: best effect when adding 0,1%.
  • The average fresh and dried yield of Ganoderma lucidum cultured on a substrate supplemented with 0,1% Oligochitosan was 62,39g/bag and 29,30g/bag; on substrate supplemented with 60mg Acid humic/kg is 60,96g/bag and 26,58g/bag; on a substrate supplemented with 0,3% acid amino is 50,96g/bag and 24,87g/bag; on substrate supplemented with 75mg Acid fulvic/kg is 57,81g/bag and 24,62g/bag.
  • The addition of 4 biological substances at the rate of 75% of the mixture achieved the best results. Fresh yield is 55,23g/bag, dry yield is 23,77g/bag.