Water Softener

Hard water

  • Hard water has a high concentration of minerals, and of these calcium salts are the most troublesome.
  • Working principle
  • An electronic water softener was constructed using the NE 555 electronic timer in a stable multivibrator mode. It was designed to operate at a frequency of 15 kHz and powered by a 12volt battery which delivered 150mA to the oscillator circuit.
  • The control box supplies a square wave signal to a Coil of wire that is wrapped around the pipe. The signal is changed several times in a second, producing a modulating frequency Waveform that hits the resonant frequency of the calcium molecules causing Them to lose its adhesiveness.

Water Softener

It’s as Simple as Science!
  • The subtle changes made to the molecular structure of the salts in the water changes the characteristics of the minerals. This means, the minerals, instead of building a crusty layer, get absorbed into the ground. Due to this the soil becomes softer which not only makes a healthy environment to grow crops but also increase the yield.
  • The Solution – Water softener for Agriculture
  • Mitigate scale buildup up in pipes, drip irrigation systems, center pivots, and other irrigation and hydroponic equipment, extending their usable life and saving you maintenance and replacement costs.
  • Keep minerals in solution, helping to increase soil penetration and reduce hardpan and runoff.
  • Lower the water surface tension allowing fertilizers and hydroponic nutrients to mix more thoroughly with the softer water.
  • Create an environment for the softer nutrient-rich water to be more readily available to the root ball, encouraging deeper root growth, more feeder roots, and a healthier plant.
  • Allow you to irrigate with saline water.

Water Softener


Benefits of installing a Water Softener:
  • Salt, iron and other minerals will be kept in solution so they don’t crust and damage plants and equipment
  • Irrigate with a softer wetter water.
  • Great benefits in Floriculture – cut flowers last longer.
  • Water is absorbed into the ground easily.
  • Water will then be easily taken by plants.
  • Healthier roots for plants
  • Less water lost to evaporation as it gets absorbed.
  • Pipe and sprinkler nozzles protected from limescale deposits
  • Water softener makes a fantastic static mixer, so you get great water fertilizer mix.
  • You won’t need to buy water from the market and avoid an expense.
  • Healthy water not only for plants but also for animals
Some Agricultural and Farming Applications
  • Plant Nurseries
  • Dairies
  • Broadacre Farms
  • Orchards
  • Fish Farms
  • Pig Farms
  • Ponds, Lagoons, Wells, and Bores
Other Applications
  • Agricultural
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial